Oak Hills is now participating in Ralphs Community Contribution Program!
Earn money for our school every time your shop, at no added cost to you! Swipe your linked card or enter your phone number associated with your rewards card.
Steps to connect your Ralphs Shopper’s Card to Oak Hills: 1. Go to https://www.ralphs.com and create a digital account. 2. Once you have your account, link your Shopper’s Card to your account. To do so, search for Oak Hills here. 3. Select OAK HILLS COYOTES PTA (or code LD865) from the list and click “Save."
Within 7 days of successfully registering your Ralphs Shopper’s Card online, you will see at the bottom of your Ralphs receipt: “At your request, Ralphs is donating to Oak Hills Coyotes PTA."